Poetry Reading Group
We are a small group which meets on the first Wednesday of each month in the afternoon in Lyme Regis to read and share our enjoyment of poems of all kinds from all periods. Poems gain so much when they’re read aloud.
Each month we have a chosen poet and everyone chooses one of their poems in advance. We also choose a second poem which is a free choice. At the meeting we take it in turns to introduce the chosen poet. Each of us then reads out their chosen poem. After some discussion, we then go around again and read out the free choice poems.
Recent poets include Siegfried Sassoon, Robert Frost and John Clare, but below is a list of some of the poets we have read in our group over previous years.
The meeting concludes with tea and cake which we take it in turn to provide.
Do join us!
Contact Kevin Benfield on 01297 446066 or email below
At this time of isolation, half the Poetry Reading Group is continuing to submit poems as usual and then reading them in their own time in their own homes. Any U3A member with an interest in poetry is welcome to join us temporarily.
Each month we have a chosen poet and everyone chooses one of their poems in advance. We also choose a second poem which is a free choice. At the meeting we take it in turns to introduce the chosen poet. Each of us then reads out their chosen poem. After some discussion, we then go around again and read out the free choice poems.
Recent poets include Siegfried Sassoon, Robert Frost and John Clare, but below is a list of some of the poets we have read in our group over previous years.
The meeting concludes with tea and cake which we take it in turn to provide.
Do join us!
Contact Kevin Benfield on 01297 446066 or email below
At this time of isolation, half the Poetry Reading Group is continuing to submit poems as usual and then reading them in their own time in their own homes. Any U3A member with an interest in poetry is welcome to join us temporarily.
Hilaire Beloc
Shakespeare's Sonnets Ogden Nash Rudyard Kipling John Donne John Masefield G K Chesterton John Betjeman A E Housman Edward Thomas Walter de la Mare R S Thomas Authorised Version of the Bible Ted Hughes Carole Anne Duffy Sylvia Plath Gerard Manley Hopkins Kathleen Raine Ezra Pound Rainer Maria Rilke John Clare Robert Frost Siegfried Sassoon Robert Frost Lord Byron Robert Graves D H Lawrence Rudyard Kipling |
Some of the members of the Poetry Reading Group