Learn, Laugh and Live! - the aim and purpose of the national u3a through the Group Activities!
The Activities Groups are one of the mainstays of the u3a movement. The Lyme Regis u3a has over 30 groups covering a wide variety of subjects (see lists below and click on a page). Some groups help maintain and improve fitness, such as Badminton, Tennis, the Walking Groups and more; others offer an opportunity to have a go at a new skill or craft, whilst languages are always popular and along with games such as Canasta to help keep the brain alert.
Share an interest in Science & Technology or join like-minded members in visiting gardens. Studies are all undertaken at the group’s own agreed speed and there are no exams to take. Members are encouraged to see the value and take pleasure in learning for its own sake.
It is the Group Leaders who help make u3a such a success by giving their time voluntarily to provide members with a wide variety of learning opportunities. This keeps costs to a minimum.
If you are interested in joining a group click on the group name to find more details. Don't be put off if the group is full because your participation may lead to a second or third group being formed. As few as two or three people may form a group. Small groups meet in members’ homes, where space allows, whilst larger groups use local community facilities for which a small charge may apply.
We are always keen to start new groups. If you’ve got any ideas for additional subjects, or are willing to volunteer as a group leader using your own specialism or interest please contact us.
The Groups Coordinator is Yvonne Marsh - [email protected]
The Activities Groups are one of the mainstays of the u3a movement. The Lyme Regis u3a has over 30 groups covering a wide variety of subjects (see lists below and click on a page). Some groups help maintain and improve fitness, such as Badminton, Tennis, the Walking Groups and more; others offer an opportunity to have a go at a new skill or craft, whilst languages are always popular and along with games such as Canasta to help keep the brain alert.
Share an interest in Science & Technology or join like-minded members in visiting gardens. Studies are all undertaken at the group’s own agreed speed and there are no exams to take. Members are encouraged to see the value and take pleasure in learning for its own sake.
It is the Group Leaders who help make u3a such a success by giving their time voluntarily to provide members with a wide variety of learning opportunities. This keeps costs to a minimum.
If you are interested in joining a group click on the group name to find more details. Don't be put off if the group is full because your participation may lead to a second or third group being formed. As few as two or three people may form a group. Small groups meet in members’ homes, where space allows, whilst larger groups use local community facilities for which a small charge may apply.
We are always keen to start new groups. If you’ve got any ideas for additional subjects, or are willing to volunteer as a group leader using your own specialism or interest please contact us.
The Groups Coordinator is Yvonne Marsh - [email protected]
Our groups - alphabetically
Archaeology Visits arranged to sites of interest. 1st Wednesday of the month at 3:00pm
Badminton Mondays, The Hub, Lyme Regis, 5.00 pm (Waiting List)
Book Group First Monday afternoon in the month in members’ homes.
Breakfast First Saturday in the month, 9.30 am, Bell Cliff Cafe
Canasta 2nd and 4th Fridays each month at Charmouth library
Circle Dancing Monday afternoons every week at Baptist Church Pine Hall, 2.00pm
Craft & Chat Meets twice a month on 2nd and 4th Mondays
French Club Thursdays, members’ homes, 10.00 - 12.00 noon
French Conversation Fortnightly Tuesdays, members’ homes, 10.00 am
French For Fun Fortnightly Tuesdays, Group Leader's home, 10.00 am
Garden Lovers Visits to gardens throughout Summer months, no set days or times
German Fortnightly Tuesdays, Group Leader's home, 2.30 pm
History Second Wednesday in the month, members' homes, 3.00pm
Informal drop-in last Thursday in the month, Bell Cliff Cafe, Lyme Regis. 10.30 am.
Italian Conversation (Thursday group) Fortnightly Thursdays in the month, Kilmington, 2.00 pm (Waiting List)
Italian Monday group Fortnightly Mondays, Whitchurch Canonicorum, 10.00 am (Waiting List)
Jewellery Making Wednesday afternoon 2-4 pm Uplyme
Literature Second Thursday in the Month, members houses, 2.00 pm (3:00 pm in the summer)
Making Music Fortnightly Wednesdays, Morcombelake Village Hall, Morcombelake. 10.00am to Noon
Meet 'n Eat Sunday Lunches 1st Sunday in the month, 12.30pm at various locations
Play Reading Alternate Mondays, members’ homes, 2.00 pm
Rare Book Group 1st Friday alternate months, The Sanctuary, Broad Street, 7.30 pm
Science & Technology Third Friday in the month, Woodmead Halls, 10.00 am – 12.00 noon (not August, December)
Scottish Dancing Mondays, Woodbury Community Hall, 10.00 am
Short Tennis Thursdays, Musbury Village Hall, 2.00 pm (Waiting List)
Snooker Fridays, 3.00 pm at the Colyton Memorial Social Club
Spanish Conversation 2nd and 4th Mondays 10:00 (Waiting List)
Table Tennis Thursdays, Lyme Regis Baptist Hall, 2.00 pm
Tennis Tuesdays, Charmouth Tennis Club, 10.00 am – 12.00 pm
Trips/Visits Coach trips to various locations
Walking 1 Fortnightly, met at 10.00 am at advised location
Walking 2 Fortnightly, Mondays, meet Uplyme Village Hall car park, 10.00 am, alternating with Walking 1
Walking 3 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month at 10.00 am.
Updated 4 September 2024
Archaeology Visits arranged to sites of interest. 1st Wednesday of the month at 3:00pm
Badminton Mondays, The Hub, Lyme Regis, 5.00 pm (Waiting List)
Book Group First Monday afternoon in the month in members’ homes.
Breakfast First Saturday in the month, 9.30 am, Bell Cliff Cafe
Canasta 2nd and 4th Fridays each month at Charmouth library
Circle Dancing Monday afternoons every week at Baptist Church Pine Hall, 2.00pm
Craft & Chat Meets twice a month on 2nd and 4th Mondays
French Club Thursdays, members’ homes, 10.00 - 12.00 noon
French Conversation Fortnightly Tuesdays, members’ homes, 10.00 am
French For Fun Fortnightly Tuesdays, Group Leader's home, 10.00 am
Garden Lovers Visits to gardens throughout Summer months, no set days or times
German Fortnightly Tuesdays, Group Leader's home, 2.30 pm
History Second Wednesday in the month, members' homes, 3.00pm
Informal drop-in last Thursday in the month, Bell Cliff Cafe, Lyme Regis. 10.30 am.
Italian Conversation (Thursday group) Fortnightly Thursdays in the month, Kilmington, 2.00 pm (Waiting List)
Italian Monday group Fortnightly Mondays, Whitchurch Canonicorum, 10.00 am (Waiting List)
Jewellery Making Wednesday afternoon 2-4 pm Uplyme
Literature Second Thursday in the Month, members houses, 2.00 pm (3:00 pm in the summer)
Making Music Fortnightly Wednesdays, Morcombelake Village Hall, Morcombelake. 10.00am to Noon
Meet 'n Eat Sunday Lunches 1st Sunday in the month, 12.30pm at various locations
Play Reading Alternate Mondays, members’ homes, 2.00 pm
Rare Book Group 1st Friday alternate months, The Sanctuary, Broad Street, 7.30 pm
Science & Technology Third Friday in the month, Woodmead Halls, 10.00 am – 12.00 noon (not August, December)
Scottish Dancing Mondays, Woodbury Community Hall, 10.00 am
Short Tennis Thursdays, Musbury Village Hall, 2.00 pm (Waiting List)
Snooker Fridays, 3.00 pm at the Colyton Memorial Social Club
Spanish Conversation 2nd and 4th Mondays 10:00 (Waiting List)
Table Tennis Thursdays, Lyme Regis Baptist Hall, 2.00 pm
Tennis Tuesdays, Charmouth Tennis Club, 10.00 am – 12.00 pm
Trips/Visits Coach trips to various locations
Walking 1 Fortnightly, met at 10.00 am at advised location
Walking 2 Fortnightly, Mondays, meet Uplyme Village Hall car park, 10.00 am, alternating with Walking 1
Walking 3 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month at 10.00 am.
Updated 4 September 2024
A busy morning, as some of our Group leaders explain about their groups at a Group Activities morning.